Posted by: Asmodeus | January 3, 2008

club penguin news out and Woof fun!

The news are out today aaaaand aaaaaand aaaaand aaaaand aaaand theres nothing else new! w00f w00f


  1. Woof Woot!!

  2. the newspaper is nice

  3. Nice post ice!

  4. Lol. I have never read anything interesting in the newspaper ¬¬
    Nice to chat with you!

    -CoolPengu <—– (the money shiter XD)

  5. can you add me to your blogroll Ice??

    Woof Woot Yip Hit!! lol

  6. New post on my site!!
    woof yip woot ice

  7. ICE plz go to my wordpress–> and remember that I putted a hell room in my hotel just for you!!!!

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